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Who and what is PREDICT? What drives us and makes our Center of Excellence unique? Here are some testimonials from PREDICT people and close collaborators!


Lone Larsen, Associate Professor, Aalborg University Hospital & PREDICT partner

'Being a Partner in PREDICT provides me with the opportunity as a physician and an associate professor as well as my department to engage in large clinical projects together with the excellent researchers at PREDICT. This results in high quality studies, up to date analyses, and ultimately novel discoveries which positively impact the lives of my patients. I could not have conducted the fine research that we are doing in Aalborg without professor Tine Jess and PREDICT'

Jean-Frederic Colombel, Professor of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York

'Despite significant progresses in the last years, a therapeutic ceiling is observed in IBD and we are still far from a cure. The way to progress is through prediction of disease course and response to treatment aiming at personalized therapy and prediction of disease onset aiming at prevention. The PREDICT Center of Excellence is leading this research leveraging rigorous and innovative research methodology in collaboration with experts from all over the world and will likely contribute to breakthrough discoveries in the years to come'

Gabriela Ciobotaru, Research Assistant, PREDICT

'At PREDICT I found a meeting of the minds despite the cultural and ethnic diversity of the group. I might have been unsuccessful at predicting that. However, the group aims to succeed at predicting IBD, a disease that we have limited understanding of. With new research breakthroughs and developments within the group and together with expert collaborators, PREDICT aims to meet the gap in knowledge on the development and heterogeneity course of IBD. Therefore, I am honored to be part of the team, to learn from the best in this field and work together towards the goal that unites us all here at PREDICT'

Hunter Moran, Former Fulbright student

'Spending 10 months at PREDICT for me has been a dream, and every day I wake up unsure whether it is real. Working with Professor Tine Jess, I learned how important it is to foster a work environment built on trust, kindness, support, and a love for learning. Her ability to choose the right people when building the center will be something I take with me as a future leader and something I am happy to have learned so early in my career. As for the research guidance I have received, not only do I really enjoy all our discussions deciding on the best methods for our projects, but I also learned from Professor Jess to think about the bigger picture and the story being told- ‘How can we influence patient care worldwide?’ I am really looking forward to continuing to collaborate, even from across the pond, and hopefully find ways to periodically visit to continue to change the status of IBD for patients across the world together'