PREDICT in the media

Feature story in Gastroenterology!
We are proud to be the feature behind the cover story of Gastroenterology this month, highlighting our impactful study: Ileocecal resection may have a role as first-line therapy in Crohn's disease.

Feature story in Gut!

Cherry blossom in a beautiful park in Copenhagen, Denmark. Read in this issue the landmark paper on antibiotic use as a risk factor for #IBD across the ages via https://bit.ly/3T3ONhU
@predictibd @DrTineJess @AdamFayeMD @KristineAllin @ManasiAgrawalMD #EpiTwitter #IBD

AIBD Network podcast on landmark study in Gut about antibiotic use and increased risk of IBD
AIBD Network - Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Podcast on the landmark study published in Gut, showing that among patients over 40 who take antibiotics, 50% are more likely to develop IBD

Article in the Telegraph on landmark Gut study about antibiotic use an increased risk of IBD
Among patients over-40s who take antibiotics nearly 50 percent are more likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease

Interview with Center Director Tine Jess

Podcast: Verdensrommet (by Olav Nordstoga)
#25 The Microbiome
A conversation with Rahma Elmahdi about the gut and microbiome

Nyt nordisk studie: Miljø er vigtigere end gener for udvikling af tarmkræft

Behind the Paper: Depression and anxiety in inflammatory bowel disease
Epidemiology, mechanisms and treatment
Depression and anxiety deeply impact patients with inflammatory bowel disease. In this new comprehensive review, we explore the association of the diseases and point to future directions for research.

Kurven er knækket: Antallet af nye IBD-tilfælde falder for første gang

Nordjylland er en skattekiste af vigtig viden om tarmsygdomme

BMJ talk medicine
Antibiotic use as a risk factor for IBD
Dr Philip Smith interviews Professor Tine Jess and Dr Adam S Faye on the paper 'Antibiotic use as a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease across the ages: a population-based cohort study' published in paper copy in Gut in April 2023.

Omtale i Gastroenterologisk Tidsskrift
Depressionsramte har højere risiko for inflammatoriske tarmsygdomme

Tine Jess i podcasten 'Videnskab fra Vilde Hjerner'
Hør Tine Jess fortælle om PREDICT's forskningsfelt og forklare, hvorfor de detaljerede registre fra danske hospitaler og apoteker helt tilbage fra 1970'erne er en guldmine af data for videnskabsfolk over hele verden, som rejser hertil for at finde svar på spørgsmål inden for netop deres forskningsområde.

Omtale i Gastroenterologisk Tidsskrift
Nyt studie i tidsskriftet Gastroenterology viser, at tidlig ileocøkal operation er bedre end medicin for Crohn's patienter.
Læs interview med lektor og partner i PREDICT Kristine Allin

Interview om studie af anti-TNF-behandling for IBD og risiko for andre inflammatoriske sygdomme
Nyt studie i Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology viser, at anti-TNF-behandling for IBD forstærker risikoen for at få andre inflammatoriske sygdomme

Artikel i Videnskab.dk om studie af IBD-patienters risiko for angst og depression

Interview med Tania H. Bisgaard, læge og ph.d.-studerende, om landsdækkede, populationsbaseret studie, der viser at patienter med inflammatorisk tarmsygdom har forhøjet risiko for angst og depression.
Interview med lektor Rahma Elmahdi i Gastroenterologisk Tidsskrift

Interview i Gastroenterologisk Tidsskrift med PREDICT's lektor Rahma Elmahdi om nyt dansk studie præsenteret på UEG Week, som er det første fænotype-studie af sammenhængen mellem IBD og en lang række sygdomme.
Article in the Independent about new impactful PREDICT study in Cell Reports Medicine!

Our new study in Cell Reports Medicine attracts wide attention in the international media, here e.g. in the Independent, describing how we found body changes up to eight years before inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis.
BBC News talks about our new impactful study in Cell Reports Medicine!

BBC News report on new impactful PREDICT study showing pre-clinical changes in IBD patients’ blood up to eight years prior to diagnosis using nationwide population-based data. These findings reveal an opportunity for earlier intervention, especially in CD.
Study in Cell Reports Medicine generates massive media attention!

The study by Vestergaard MV et al. continues to attract further national and international media attention. Below are links to some of the media publicity:
Interview with Associate Professor Rahma (Red) Elmahdi in prowoc.org

“You cannot launch your dream career without the support and confidence of others but If you want to reach your goals, you must also find confidence in yourself”
Read the interview in Professional Women of Colour Denmark - ProWoc
Interview med lektor Kristine Allin i det svenske blad 'Allt om mage' om studie af antibiotika i graviditeten og IBD

PREDICT study elected the 'Gut Top Paper 2023 Winner'!

We are extremely proud and honored that our study 'Antibiotic use as a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease across the ages: a population-based cohort study' has been elected the 'Gut Top Paper 2023 Winner' by the highly reputable international scientific journal Gut.
Artikel i BestPractice Nordic om vores studie af risiko for angst, depression og ADHD hos unge med IBD

Artikel ude i BestPractice Nordic om vores studie, der belyser risikoen for angst, depression og ADHD hos unge med inflammatorisk tarmsygdom:
Unge med inflammatorisk tarmsygdom har øget risiko for depression, men mindre risiko for ADHD
Læs den videnskabelige artikel i tidsskriftet Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology
PREDICT is a part of the GUTblog

We are happy to take part in the GUTBlog on 'Early-life exposures and the microbiome: implications for IBD prevention.
Tine Jess er gæst i Hjernekassen

Hør centerdirektør Tine Jess fortælle om IBD og om vores arbejde i programmet/podcasten Hjernekassen med Peter Lund Madsen. Du kan høre det her.
PhD student Jonas Rudbæk presents study in BESTPRACTICE NORDIC

In this MEDtalk, PhD student at PREDICT and Statens Serum Institut, SSI, Jonas Rudbæk, presents a new study indicating that some association between inflammatory markers and very early onset IBD might be present already shortly after birth.
Watch it here.
Associate Professor Rahma Elmahdi talks about study results published in BMJ Open

Rahma Elmahdi talks about our study about the impact of immunosuppressive therapy on SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine effectiveness in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Hear Rahma Elmahdi talk about the study here.
Read the scientific article in BMJ Open here.
Blodprøver viser tegn på IBD op til 8 år før diagnose

Studiet viser præ-kliniske ændringer i blodprøveresultater fra patienter med inflammatoriske tarmsygdomme i op til otte år før diagnose. Disse resultater åbner op for muligheden for tidligere intervention – specielt for personer med Morbus Crohn.
Læs om studiet i BESTPRACTICE NORDIC her.
Ph.d.-studerende Marie Vestergaard fortæller om studie i BESTPRACTICE NORDIC
En ny metode, der kombinerer mikrobiomdata fra hele verden, fandt hele 77 forskellige bakterielle genera associeret med Morbus Crohn og 64 associeret med colitis ulcerosa. Af disse er 38 nye fund og har ikke tidligere været associeret med inflammatoriske tarmsygdomme.
Centerleder Tine Jess fylder 50 år

Læs om Tine Jess, der fylder 50 år i Politiken her.
Mild IBD udfordrer lægerne: Vi skal passe på med at overbehandle

Ph.d.-studerende Henrik Albaek Jacobsen fortæller om mild IBD i Gastroenterologisk Tidsskrift. Læs mere her.
Interview med Cheflæge Mette Esbjørn fra Afd. for Medicinske Mave- og Tarmsygdomme, klinisk partnerafdeling i PREDICT

Læs Mette Esbjørn fra Afdeling for Medicinske Mave- og Tarmsygdomme, klinisk partnerafdeling i PREDICT, fortælle om afdelingens vigtige arbejde i ny artikel i Nordjyske