The NorDIBD Cohort

The NorDIBD Cohort

The Larsen Group: The NorDIBD Cohort
Clinical care of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) has been the center of Lone Larsen's clinical work and research. As a Medical Specialist in Gastroenterology, Dr. Larsen works as Chief Physician at Aalborg University Hospital, where she is part of an IBD team caring for around 3,000 IBD patients. With the establishment of the clinical database, GASTROBIO, during her PhD, with granular information on all IBD patients in the North Denmark Region, Dr. Larsen has improved patient care and at the same time, in close collaboration with Dr. Jess, collected data on more than 6,000 patients diagnosed with IBD from 1978 and onwards in this geographical, well-defined area. This cohort is the NorDIBD cohort - the North Denmark IBD cohort - possibly the largest of its kind worldwide.
As partner at PREDICT, Lone Larsen is heading a large study collecting biological samples from all living IBD patients in the North Denmark Region, employing 20 medical students, 2 research nurses, 1 research secretary, and 2 PhD students. Dr. Larsen is also an Associate Professor at Aalborg University and teaches medical students as part of her clinical work.
Author ORCID: 0000-0003-4067-2381