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Lone Larsen, MD, PHD

Associate Professor & Gastroenterologist, Aalborg University Hospital & Partner in Center for Molecular Prediction of Inflammatory Bowel Disease – PREDICT


Lone Larsen, MD, PHD

Associate Professor & Gastroenterologist, Aalborg University Hospital & Partner in Center for Molecular Prediction of Inflammatory Bowel Disease – PREDICT


Lone Larsen is a Medical Doctor, PhD, Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist, and Associate Professor. She works as Chief Physician at Aalborg University Hospital and leads the North Denmark IBD registry, GASTROBIO. She is Chairman of the National Quality Registry, DANIBD and a member of the national IBD interest group under the Danish Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

In PREDICT, Lone expects to provide data on a complete regional cohort of IBD patients from 1978 until today. The cohort contains 8,000 patients with IBD in the North Denmark Region (~600,000 inhabitants) and there is data on date of diagnoses, age at diagnosis, disease extent at diagnosis, changes in disease extent over time, smoking habits, weight, height, family IBD, medications, effects and side effects, patient reported outcomes, lab results, pregnancies, surgery, etc. This cohort will enable unique studies on phenotypes of IBD.

In addition, Lone and her team will collect blood and stool samples when possible from all of these patients and at all exacerbations of the disease for newly diagnosed patients for at two-year period.

As a physician, Lone Larsen is part of a team of physicians giving care to approximately 2,500 IBD patients. As partner in PREDICT, she manages the clinical data of the North Denmark Cohort.